Saturday, June 29, 2013

Child at Heart

Yesterday I have a casual chat with one of my friends, then she told me that she'll be back because she wants to shower. After her shower, she asked me a question.

Her: Nadia, why do I have a bad habit?

Me: What do you mean?

Her: I often sing, dance and play with the bubbles when I'm showering ever since I was a little girl...
I am trying to keep it down though.

Me: If that really a bad habit?

Her: I don't know, I ask some people they said that it is an odd thing to do while showering.

Me: Okay, answer this question. While you sing, dance and play with bubbles while showering, how do you feel?
Child watching cartoon

Her: I feel happy!

Me: Than, that is totally not a bad habit

Her: But why do my friends think that that is weird?

Me: Just ignore them. Haha. In the process of growing up, we slowly give up things that we used to like when we were a child. For an example, watching cartoons, playing at the playground, colouring etc

Kids playing at playground
Her: Yes I used to love watching Spongebob, Upin Ipin, Shaun the Sheep once upon a time. But now.. :( 

Me: Exactly my point. If there's anything you do that makes you feel like a child at heard, hold on to it. Because that is your "escape" from this whacky growing up stuff

Her: Yeah it is the best! I love it when one of my friends ask me to play with the swing at the playground with her. It makes me feel happy... Sometimes funny

Me: So, if you want to sing and dance and play with bubbles while showering, just keep doing it. As long as it is not a nuisance to others, don't bother :-)

Her: Okay dear :-)

Friends, admit it, the happiest time for most of us in our life is when we were a child. We don't have responsibilities, we can play all day, not worrying about bills to pay or datelines, not worrying about which shirt goes with the pants, everyone is our friend, no prejudice, no racist. As we are growing up, we develop this kind of perception to life based on our experiences. We start forgetting what its like to be the jovial little girl/guy we used to be. We sit down in front of our computer all day, with piles of works to be settled, responsibilities to our family, all the burdens on our shoulder.

Ask yourself my friend, when did you do something that you used to do as a child and actually enjoys it?

Once in a while, go, be a child

Eat some ice cream

Watch Spongebob, Naruto, One Piece

Run freely

Play with balloons


Sing and dance in the rain

Do a harmless trick to someone close and laugh about it

Tell your parents you love them

And the list goes on~

Think about it ;-)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Three Words

No More Lies

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Resah Hati

Tadi terjumpa sesuatu yang aku tahu kalau aku baca kompom banjir shah alam ni. So aku decide untuk x baca, koyakkan dan buang terus benda tu. Buat pe sedihkan diri kalau kita boleh hepi kan? Hehe

Itu hanya satu fasa. Satu hari nanti kita akan pandang belakang dan kata:
"Ah bodohnya aku"
Kadang-kadang kita tertanya-tanya kenapa semua berlaku. Tetapi kita tak sedar, tak semua soalan perlukan jawapan. Sesetengah soalan ditanya untuk kita berfikir, apakah kalau itu tidak berlaku hidup kita akan sama seperti masa kini? Tapi kalau kita berpegang teguh pada tangan Allah, masakan Allah akan menghampakan kita?

Tak semua orang yang hadir dalam hidup kita ditakdirkan untuk menjadi penghuni kekal. Adakalanya mereka datang untuk sementara. Untuk mengajar kita pengajaran berharga yang  tak pernah kita fikirkan selama ini. Kemudian dia pergi tinggalkan kita. Meninggalkan bekas tapak kakinya dalam hidup kita. Ruang kosong. Dan satu hari nanti, orang yang lebih baik akan datang mengisi ruang itu. Mungkin tidak baik dimata manusia lainnya, tetapi lebih baik untuk kita.

Kadang tertanya adakah diri ini cukup sempurna? Akan tetapi di mata insan itu, kitalah yang paling sempurna. Tiada cacat-celanya. Dan selama mana pun kita ambil untuk sedar keadaan itu, setelah kita sedar, cukup lah semuanya untuk kita. Ya, semuanya.
Bila hati menerima seadanya, tidaklah resah hati itu.
Sunyi pun perlukan teman. Sunyi yang terlalu lama mengundang derita. Sekuat manapun kita, sesibuk manapun dengan kerja, kita masih memerlukan teman untuk berbicara dan bergurau senda. Begitulah indahnya ciptaan Maha Pencipta.

Teman, tidak semestinya kekasih yang teristimewa. Teman boleh jadi ahli keluarga. Sahabat yang setia. Rakan sekerja. Jiran tetangga. Toleh lah kiri kanan, anda tidak keseorangan. Jika perlukan pendengar setia, mengadulah kepada yang Maha Mendengar. Kasih sayang, cinta agung-Nya tiada batasnya.