Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Songkok ohh songkok..

eypp, lame aku xb'crite... something interesting to tell out... see this pic, its a pic of my lil bro, mohamad naqib anak pak mail...
n he's wearing songkok, rite??
okey, bnde 2 ah aku nk cte neh...

Alkisahnye, pd hari ahad yg lalu, 22 MAC '09 [bday pkcik aizat hehe], keadaaan agk kelam kabut...
ye la, mase 2, ari last cti semester skola, so sume bnde nk bwat, mak nk anta Mayah balek keSESERI dye, then adek2 yg len nk bwat homework, men2 spuas hatinye la, hape la...

tgh hari 2, aku ikot mak anta Mayah...
i'm craving to eat A&W actually, so dlm p'jlnn blek mak pon singgah ah kt restoran jejantas Sungai Buloh...
bli mknn tros blek, since rmai plak manusia2 yg memenuhi kawasan t'sebut.. ecehh...

balek umah, i hand out the float to Mi ngan Naqib... n they say TQ 2 me [pdhl aku bli cket je.. cian dorg huhu]... n mase 2 aku prasan, naqib pkai songkok...
aku rse plek snanye, since naqib bkn ske sgt pkai songkok...
mak pn tnye gk, n beliau jwb "sebab naqib nk jd ustaz"... alhamdulillah...

tp aku stil plek gk, sbb mase men kjar2 ngan mi pon dye xbkk songkok 2, mase nk sjokkn bdn pon, songkok 2 mlekat kt kepala dye...
esok pgnye [isnin], sume bnde b'jln cm bese, tp aku bgon cm agk lmbt ahh... classes, n mlm 2, , lpas klas circuit, [xsilap aku la] mak tell me something

"along, nk taw sesuatu x?"

"ha knape?"

"naqib 2, nk taw x knape dye pkai songkok smalam?"


"rupe2nye, pg 2, mase mak nk mandikn dye, mak tgok rmbut kt kpale dye b'lubang2, dye ptog rmbut sndri..."

"la yeke?? ya Allah budak tu..."
ahah, nakal betol adek aku sorg 2... xtaw la ikot prangai sape.. rsenye mak bpak aku pon xde ah nakal cm2 kot dlu [well aku pon xtaw, tp rsenye x kot...] mak geram sgt ngan naqib, sbb mase 2 bru je lpas ptong rmbut kt PKNS.. then dye ptong rmbut SNDRI ag... n kpale dye 2 da mcm p'mukaan bulan 2... b'lekuk2... yg xthan 2, dye kate nk jd ustaz.. haha mrepek je.....

okay dats all... hah neway, aku da jupe 'org' yg ilang 2... hee~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Waiting Hurts

I really hate this feeling...
feeling alone when u're in the crowd..
feeling lonely when everyone is around you...
laughing but crying...
smiling but sad...
telling everyone "OK" but its actually "KO"...
act like Ur life is full but the real is empty...
make everyone believe that u're happy...
pretend like everything is perfect, but its not...
when I'm missing someone, this is the life...

you come, than you go...
today you're here, chatting, but tomorrow u're gone,
u may think u left nothing behind,
but u're wrong....

there's some hope u leave here...
make the person u left keep waiting...
n keep wondering, when will u show up...
counting the days, every single day...
turn the hopes into waiting,
waiting into missing,
and make the missing fruitless...

please, give this waiting a full stop...
i just can't bear it anymore... :(

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

p/s: the story is NOT mine, just something i copied somewhere cause i like the story... okeh :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Life is too short
to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right,
forget about the ones who don't
and believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said that it'd be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Matrix Sick huhu

post ni sume psal dak2 mtrx aku... td aku pg uma auntie aku, then dye kate Akim bru blek sne smalam... Akin 2 cousin aku, n dye skang b laja kt UITM kt kedah... tyme abeh mtrx dlu pon, dye yg anta aku pg airport.. so akupon t'kenang ah memori zaman mtrx dlu...

ye ah, dlu kt mtrx mmg joh dr uma, tp aku jarang homesick, xcm kt skola...
wlaupon xbape bndr sgt, aku ttp epi dok sne...
wlaupon xrmai dak s'gor, aku stil bole rapat ngan dak2 utara, n blaja bhse mreka...
wlaupon rumate aku rjen stadi, kteorg stil boleh m'nyengalkn diri bile perlu, n tgok anime sesame, mkn sesame, jln2 sesame..
tyme bulan pose sahur sesame ngan rumate[aku jrang sahor, tp bgon gk, nana n ct, syhhh], n buke sesame, n terawih sesame...
wlaupon geng aku ske men2 tyme blaja, dorg stil bole pham n saling aja-m'aja klaw de yg xpaham...
n kekdg ponteng klas sesame gk...hee~
bwat experiment sesame, pleng besh kimia ah...

wlaupon rmai, kite stil leh knal muke sume org wlaupon xknal name...
wlaupon xknal sume, tp sume org sgt2 baik n saling m'bntu...
klaw boring, outing g c-mart, bkn bli pe sgt pon, sje jejln tgok org...
ari rbu je, msti nk kuar bli yong tau fu 'along'...
kekadang 2, g gk My FC mkn wedges dye, ltak mustard, sdapp...
tiap2 bln msti g aloq staq xpon jitra ngan rumate xpon classmate x pon ngan ex-spinta, n borong cd japan n korea...
kekdg men boling gk...
n klaw nk balek uma, msti cari tiket sesame ngan dak2 ex-spinta 2, wlaupon xnek bas yg sme...
tetiap mngu msti call sarah, gayut ngan beliau, n cte pe yg b'laku...
n tetiap mngu gk, msg pkck n mrepek2...

my fren...
mase jupe, kite mmg xknal...
mule2 sume jln sorg2, xpon ngan org yg mmg da knal..
bile da jupe geng sekepale, kite mmg nakal bebeno...
macam2 kite bwat sesame, n kite mmg enjoy...
klaw da jupe 2, adoyai gamatt dunie..
bile da nk abeh mtrx, sume sdey, n de yg 'ujan'...
sbb kite sgt rpat wlaupon bru setaun knal..

korg, jgn lupe aku taw...
n jgn lupe knangan2 kite kt mtrx neh...
zman mtrx ah zman aku pleng ske, n aku xkn lupe smpai bile2...
aku arap sgt2 kite leh jupe blek 1 ari nnt...
frenz forever, okeh??

geng aku kt klas neh, aku, Nemo, Hani, Pkah

klassmateku f2t7 mase jamuan

nila rumate aku yg sengal 2... ct, nana, chin, aku

tidak dilupekan, kapel yg xpena bhgie, bear aku n abbit nana

mmbe spinta ke KMK, joreeba n nina

juge mmbe spinta ke kmk, aku n yana


actually, this is a request from my dearest cowsin that asked me to write 25 things about myself... the game's name is tagged... and, i really2 dunno how to describe myself, so i take some serves and answer 25 questions that i like... aci x?? :D

okeh, now we started...

1) Whats your name?
Nadia Nadzirah Ismail

2) The year you were born?
1989 April

3) Were you a happy baby?
yes, of course, i'm the eldest!!

My favourite...

4) Song?
Many of 'em... okeh i'll choose.. your guardian angel by TRJA

5) Ice Cream?
Baskin robin!!! sedap gile doh... aku ske love potion...

6) Movie?
pe eh??cte GENG, YES MAN, ANOTHER CINDERELLA STORY, CTE SAW 1,2,3,4 n byk ah g...

7) Girl name?
aci x klaw aku kate 'nadia'??

8) Boy name?
ape2 name yg start ngan 'F'


9) Chocolate or strawberry?

Choc... yes, i really like choc..

10) Blue or red?

BLUE is my fav colour...

11) Friendship or Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

ahha, frenship kot.. tp klaw da ske, jd bf je ah.. hak3

12) Money or Love?

Klaw tnye aku skang, aku jwb money.. ok x??

13) Texting or calling?
Calling ah... ag sng nk cte... waa, aku rndu nk call someone 2... huhu...

14) Pool or River?

river.. nature lover ah akuneh... wahahaha...


15) Are you single or taken?

single kot

16) Do you believe in God?

yes, alhamdulillah, smuge ia b'kekalan smpai bile2... i'm an Islam believer, not follower

17) Where would you like to be?

Kedah matriculaion college... aku sgt merindui suasana disane... huhu.. :(

18) Do you miss anyone?

YES MAN... aku rndu itu pakcik... huu~

19) Is your life turning out well?

Not really, lately... huhu...

20) Are you tired?

no, demi aliaku syg, tidak sesekali.. acece

21) How many windows are opened on your computer?

just 2, this and YM

22) Are you a fast typer?

not really, more to typo... haha... n my sis slalu glakkn aku...

23) Who are your best friends?

kat skola: sarah, am, una... kt mtrx: nemo, hani, pikah n lakinye, amet.. now,kt uitm, aku kwn ngan sume org... hehe

24) What's your favorite month?

December of course... holiday!!!!

25) Whats your moms dads brothers sisters boyfriends name?

wanna know??

mom: Rabiah Idris

dad: Ismail Lam Din

Bros: Nazrin, Nazmi, Naqib

Sis: Nadia Humairah

Boypren??: ahaha... aku pon xpsti aku ade ke x? hee~

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Camping D Ayer Keroh

aku bru je lpas bce blog hairee snanye... n snanye aku memule ingtkn nk tdo, tp tetibe jd rjen lak nk + post kt blog neh, so akupon bwat la...

Actually ni ah post aku yg 1st dlm BM.. hehe... snanye sesaje je tuleh dlm bi sblom neh, kononnye nk improve bi ah, almaklum ah, sem dpn kne amek bel331 kot xsilap aku... [for non-uitm students, bel 2 sbjek BI]
okeh, snanye aku nk cte psal camping yg aku pg mngu lepas [27 feb- 1 may] ... snanye dye cm camping, tp namenye bkn camping... ni ha nme aktiviti dye "KURSUS REKREASI TAHAP 1"... ahaha, cm dak skola rndah plak de tahap 1 neh...

camping dye, 3 ari 2 mlm, b'tmpat di AYER KEROH, MELAKA... memule smpi tmpt neh, aku tgok, cntiknye, da byk brubah tpt neh... FYI, aku neh pna dok mlake, n ayer keroh ne antare tpt feveret yg parents aku slalu bwak tyme zaman kanak2 dlu... skang dye da jd TAMAN BOTANIKAL AYER KEROH MELAKA...

actually, kiteorg kne b'kumpul pkol 8.30 kt pusat sukan, dga ade speech cket dr En. Mustaza, n then b'tolak [2 bas]... sblom pg sane pon da ade problem, tayar bas kteorg skrunye xckop, naseb bek bas xjln, klaw x xsmpt la kteorg nk b'camping... bile dorg nk repair, xleh plak, so t'pksela tngu bas len..

dorg nga btolkn bas

Disbbkn bnde ni, mereka2 yg nek bas second 2, smpi agk lmbt ah ke destinasi... sampai2 je, duduk dga pnerangan dr pihak sne, ps2 de demonstrasi pasang n lipat khemah dgn cara yg btol, n then dirikan khemah... lupe plak nk knalkn mmbe2 aku, snanye memule ingtkn nk dok 1 khemah 5 org ; aku, yana, dbah, ba, n kak eza... n dpt lak khemah yg besau, so mmg masyuk ah kiteorg... tp tetibe kak eza pindah khemah sbb tmnkn ade sorg budak 2 dok sesorg dlm khemah.. tnglla kiteorg b'4.

n spt bese, camping msti ah bntuk grup, tp aku dpt grup yg cm snyp je, so akupon dgan sesuke ati aku, tuka la grup, msok grup ba n salam since grup dorg cm xckop org [hehe]... mlm 2, kne bwat logo, motto ngan cheer kiteorg, n then bentang... malam 2 jugak, ade certain grup [t'masukla grup aku] kne mara sbb buat logo yg bkn taraf kiteorg ah kononnye... suasana cm sgt tegang tyme 2... smpi penghulu kiteorg pon kne 'buli' gk ngan anak2 buah dye, just nk lpaskn tension [pd pndpt akula hehehe]... tp last2 ok gk... mlm 2, kiteorg diaja kod 3;

kalaw dye jerit '1', kiteorg kne b'diri

2 = mengiring, pandang kanan, n tangan bawah dagu

3= terlentang

ade lagi 1 kod, bile dye sebut ape tah kiteorg kne smbunyikn diri kt dr musuh, n bile dye sebut 'clear', kiteorg kne pg balik tpt asal tanpa m'bersihkn bju.ade lagi, kiteorg blaja ikatan malam 2 -clovehitch, reefknot, thumbknot, single 8 knot, double 8 follow through knot, sheetband.

hari ke-2 la ari yg paling besh... pagi2 kiteorg pergi jln 3kilometer ke tpt rekreasi [aku xpasti sgt nama tpt 2]. ade 2 sesi, sblom zohor kiteorg wall climbing ngan kayak, lpas zohor kiteorg flying-fox ngan bearing... siyesly, aku mmg enjoy ari 2 wlaupon ade bebrape p'kara yg b'laku [kasot aku t'cabut tapak, n ari ujan], tp akhirnye stlah 3taun aku tunggu, dpat jugak aku main flyingfox...sblom ni, klaw nk men je, msti xckop masela, da abeh masela, hujan la... huhu...

lpas aktiviti2 2, kiteorg DIRENDAM dlm kolam yg serba wangi 2, n dlm p'jlnn nk balek, hujan, alhamdulillah....

malam 2, kiteorg kne bwat p'smbahan ikot grup, tema alam sekitar.... n grup aku [grup 6], kiteorg bwat cte org yg buang sampah, n adela kmlgn yg jadi... nk dijdkn cte, aku yg jd narator kiteorg... memule ok je, tp bile tyme nk terangkn bab kmlgn 2, akupon sbotla BOM! n then nama 2 pon mlekat ah kt aku... sume org pngl aku 'bom'... waaa...

lpas p'smbahan, ade nightwalking... jln sesorg memalam 2, mmg xdpt nk pk bnde len slen bnde yg mrepek2 2...wlaupon aku taw yg abg2 n akk2 fesi ade, tp stil xleh elak dr pk bnde 2.... tp tade bnde pon yg blaku... tngu sume org, last2 smpi khemah pkol 2 lbeh... tros pensan smpi pg..

esoknye, kiteorg kne brainwash cket... kem komanden mara sbb dye dga de org kate rukun negara de 6, sbnanye 5 kn?? bia aku amek ayat2 power die ni

"ada jugak org macam ni kat dunia ni, xamek taw hal sekeliling... cubalah buka mata sikit bro, tgok ape yg da jadi kt perak 2, sikit dah nak perang dah 2, cume kerajaan je yg xintiharkn... saya nk tanya ni, berapa ramai kat sini yg masuk uitm ni, sbb nk belajar, ikhlas, angkat tgn... tengok, sebab kamu yg xangkat tangan ni la, negara kita boleh hancur... orang2 yg bunuh diri, terjun bangunan tu, semua pemegang degree 2... nak taw kenapa die buat macam 2? sebab tamak, bile buat projek, nk rembat semua, nk sng, bile xjd, bunuh diri....."
itula die antara ayat2 dye yg mmg mresap dalam ati aku, n akupon b'azam utk tuka niat aku blaja bi, utk m'cari ilmu... tq en Malik.... lepas 2, ade test pasal bende2 yg kiteorg da blaja tnye camping neh, n ujian tali, lpas 2 packing ntok balek... snanye agk sdey gk ah, sbb aku da enjoy da kwn ngan dorg2 2, tp nk bwat cane kn, kite setiap p'temuan ade p'pisahan...

gmba lepas ujian tali

gmba reramai lastAlign Left

smpi sini jela cte aku pasal camping ni... aku mmg enjoy, n arap aku leh join ag camping cani...