Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Absent Minded

With no particular reason, today i acted kinda weird...
so absent-minded and kinda grumpy...

Just now, we [me, my cousin alia, mayah, mak n naqib] went to Jusco Bukit TINGGI to watch "Pisau Cukur" [again]. After buying the tickets, we just sat down and eat heavenly creamy and puffy donuts at Big Apple. We buy pop corn just before we enter the cinema, and suddenly Mayah requested to buy hot dog [as usual]. While waiting for the hot dog, Alia and me hold a box of pop corn each.

Okay we enter the critical part here. Suddenly, when I'm trying to reach the pop corn in the box that I hold, the box just.... fell down, and pop corn scattered everywhere. Someone screamed [I think], most probably Alia, and I am S.P.E.E.C.H.L.E.S.S. Seriously, I don't know how to react with the 'memorable' embarrassing situation. Speechless and like, numb. Like my mind is floating on the air left my body here still standing on the ground. Suddenly I heard my mom's voice;

"Xpelah along ambik jelah pop corn yang xkene lantai lagi, dah jatuh nak buat mcm mana",

and its like a fire alarm to my body and my hand gain all the energy to pick up the box but still, my face didn't show any reaction at all. Then, here comes the hero, slowly approaching me and said;

"ehh xpe meh cni jgn risau pop corn ni boleh isi balik"

take the box to the counter, and refill the half-full box. I don't really want the pop corn to be filled again, I've ate enough pop corn already yesterday. I feel really guilty for the workers there since they have to clean the mess I've made there. I even said to my mom to ask for a broom so that I can sweep the scattered pop corn as well as clean the mess I've made, but my mom just give a smile and whisper;

"Xpelah along nanti pekerja2 dia bersihkan lah ehh... Xpon nnt bile dah abeh cerita tu, along cek lah balik ada lagi x pop corn tu, kalau ada barula along mintak penyapu kat dia",

haha ok its a good joke actually, but I still feel bad for them. After a few chit chats and text from my dears, I feel better.

But I still wonder why I'm so absent minded today.

p/s: I'm so sorry for the really rusty n crappy grammar...


  1. haha.
    kelakar lah kau.
    kalau minta penyapu lg lah buat malu kau tau tak.

  2. huhu xksah la malu ke x...
    aku rse serbe slh gile kt abg2 kt sne huhu

  3. hahah...naseb baek sy x d gk kt c2.. =p jk..

