Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)


Dear In-Team,

Thanks for composing awesome motivation song that keeps me up when I'm down, really down. I remember after SPM, I tend to be close with several friends from school. Elementary and high school. Including the one that I even never speak to originally at school. And my heart started to like one of them. We always talk and share songs together, sometimes making fun of other person [celeb], or just rambling bout random things until late night. Until at one point, I think I fell for this guy. That happened when I'm in sem 1 at UiTM.

I might have ask him indirectly about this and I get a negative answer. As if he's not that into me. Or he has already 'have' someone. Just friends, of course. It hits me. It hits me hard, until I felt so much pain in my chest. I went to my friend's room, Yana to find a shoulder to cry on. But I just can't cry in front of her. She gave me advice that makes me feel a lot better at that moment.

When I go back to my room, I started to reflect myself. I listen to your songs over and over again. This song:

really lift me up. I listened to it every day. Until I'm fully ok. And I never let my guards down after that. Until that one person came into my life. But that's a whole other story.

The point is, never give up, because there're other people who are more unfortunate than us.

That's all from me.


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