Monday, March 9, 2009


actually, this is a request from my dearest cowsin that asked me to write 25 things about myself... the game's name is tagged... and, i really2 dunno how to describe myself, so i take some serves and answer 25 questions that i like... aci x?? :D

okeh, now we started...

1) Whats your name?
Nadia Nadzirah Ismail

2) The year you were born?
1989 April

3) Were you a happy baby?
yes, of course, i'm the eldest!!

My favourite...

4) Song?
Many of 'em... okeh i'll choose.. your guardian angel by TRJA

5) Ice Cream?
Baskin robin!!! sedap gile doh... aku ske love potion...

6) Movie?
pe eh??cte GENG, YES MAN, ANOTHER CINDERELLA STORY, CTE SAW 1,2,3,4 n byk ah g...

7) Girl name?
aci x klaw aku kate 'nadia'??

8) Boy name?
ape2 name yg start ngan 'F'


9) Chocolate or strawberry?

Choc... yes, i really like choc..

10) Blue or red?

BLUE is my fav colour...

11) Friendship or Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

ahha, frenship kot.. tp klaw da ske, jd bf je ah.. hak3

12) Money or Love?

Klaw tnye aku skang, aku jwb money.. ok x??

13) Texting or calling?
Calling ah... ag sng nk cte... waa, aku rndu nk call someone 2... huhu...

14) Pool or River?

river.. nature lover ah akuneh... wahahaha...


15) Are you single or taken?

single kot

16) Do you believe in God?

yes, alhamdulillah, smuge ia b'kekalan smpai bile2... i'm an Islam believer, not follower

17) Where would you like to be?

Kedah matriculaion college... aku sgt merindui suasana disane... huhu.. :(

18) Do you miss anyone?

YES MAN... aku rndu itu pakcik... huu~

19) Is your life turning out well?

Not really, lately... huhu...

20) Are you tired?

no, demi aliaku syg, tidak sesekali.. acece

21) How many windows are opened on your computer?

just 2, this and YM

22) Are you a fast typer?

not really, more to typo... haha... n my sis slalu glakkn aku...

23) Who are your best friends?

kat skola: sarah, am, una... kt mtrx: nemo, hani, pikah n lakinye, amet.. now,kt uitm, aku kwn ngan sume org... hehe

24) What's your favorite month?

December of course... holiday!!!!

25) Whats your moms dads brothers sisters boyfriends name?

wanna know??

mom: Rabiah Idris

dad: Ismail Lam Din

Bros: Nazrin, Nazmi, Naqib

Sis: Nadia Humairah

Boypren??: ahaha... aku pon xpsti aku ade ke x? hee~


  1. hohohoho~
    org tu luahkn jgak rndu dye..
    ni nk sOh pkck bce nieyh..
    hehehe.. :)

  2. haha...
    beliau xtaw ag pon aku ade blog neh...
    da lme gle xctc beliau..

  3. ko ske december???well igt la 8 dec gk! hehehehe

  4. eh xmo xmo ingt... wekk!!!

