Saturday, May 16, 2009

Teacher's day vs Genting vs My bro

its been a while actually for me to update this blog...
its like, im already done wif my finals, but i'm busy at home...
guess what, i jog every morning, n have some cleaning, or asleep after that,
at time, i watch japan series [dragon zakura] and have finished it all...
and also reading a novel [mikail from ramli awg mursyid], still in progress...
thus, i barely on9, smpai ade org tnye knape aku xon9 hehe...

Last Thursday i went to Genting highlands wif my dearest Nad and Aimi,
having fun like hell,
shouting like a moron...
haha but its actually fun....

here's some pic..

kami b'3: Nad, Aimi, aku

oh, kami b'sama itu 'skinless people hak3

okay, i have some dedication to make...


to all the teachers in the world...
and also all persons that is not officially a teacher, but have teach others,
they're also teachers eventhough they have no certificate to become a teacher...

Saiyidina Ali Radiallahu-Anhu sendiri pernah berkata:-
Maksudnya:Aku ini hamba kepada sesiapa yang mengajarku walaupun satu huruf.

this hadith proves it all....
okay, i want to also thank to my first teacher, that is my mother, Pn. Rabiah Idris...
n then, teachers n lecturers in those school:-

  • Westlychurch Kindergarden [at johor n melaka]
  • S.R.K Methodist Girl School [Melaka]
  • S.K Sek 19 Shah Alam
  • S.A.R Madrasah An-najahiyah Sek 19 Shah Alm
  • S.K Sek 6 Shah Alm
  • S.R.A Sek 3 Shah Alm
  • S.M.K Projek /Sek 11 Shah Alam
  • S.B.P. Integrasi Rawang
  • Kolej Marikulasi Kedah, Changlun
  • Last but not least, UiTM induk [Shah Alam], fakulti Engin Letrik, n ade gk la fakulti2 lain cm FTMSK dll...


okeh, now i wanna tell something bout my bro...

since today is teacher's day, i think now is the suitable time to tell bout it...

this story is about naqib, the one i told bout him earlier....

Sebenarnya, adekku ini sgtla suke minum air, especially air manis. Kt rumah mmg ade byk kordial2, sbb beliau mmg ske minum air la kn sng cite. Kalau pg skola pn, mmg akn disediakn air manis, grape la, laici la, mcm2 la air ntok beliau bawak...

Alkisahnye la kn, ade 1 week 2, mase exam, tibe2 die nk bwak AIR MASAK!! wah sgtla pelik permintaan itu. Siap nk bwak botol besar yg 1.5 liter 2 ag, tp disbbkn berat, hasrat itu dimatikn, lalu digntikn dgn 2 btol kecik 500mL. Namun, keadaan itu masih pelik, memndgkn beliau bukan jenis yg minum sgt air masak ni. Akan tetapi, bila kami tnye beliau, beliau akn jwb

"sbb mngu periksa",

Wah sungguhla bernas jawapan itu. Lalu kamipon tidaklah percaya 100%. Apabila telah disoal siasat oleh.... [akupon xtawla siape], lalu terbongkarlah rahsie beliau! nak taw kenapa beliau beriye2 bwk air masak pdhal xsuke minum air masak?

"sbb cikgu kate musim panas ni kene minum air masak byk2"

Wah aku sungguh bertuah ade adik yg... OBEDIENT!! adekah perkataan itu benar? sudah tentu. Lihatlah sahaja beliau SUNGGUH PATUH dengan nasihat cikgu beliau. Suruh minum air masak byk2, die bwk 2 botol air masak. Persoalannye, benarkah beliau obedient? Disekolah, beliau memang obedient. Tidak disangkal2 lagi. Pijak semut pon xmati. Semut pijak pon xmati jugak. Kalau ade gajah pijak baru mati. Tapi tengah2 bndar Shah Alam ni mane ade gajah. So, kesimpulannye beliau xkn mati disekolah krana dipijak binatang.

Okay, pulang ke topik asal. Kalau korang tengok keadaan beliau kt umah pulak, mmg 180 degrees lain. Sgt2 nakal. Sume bnde beliau nk 'teroka'. Kalau belikn toy, toy itu akan rosak ditgn beliau. Atau, toy itu akn bunoh diri sblom dirosakkn. Yes, itulah kenyataanye. Naluri seorang 'enginner' yg diwarisi dari DNA bapaknye sebagai seorang engineer mmg t'serlah. Bakat beliau merosakkn barang mmg xboleh disangkal lagi. Tambahan pula, kedegilan beliau yang memutihkn yang kata2 yg itam, n m'hitamkn kata2 yg putih itu sgtla b'tentangan dengan sikapnye di sekolah. Anda pon fikir begitu?

Alamak sudah terlalu pjg entry ini...

aku pen off dulu yeh....



  1. cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    nk titot g genting gak...

    n to puan rabiah ( 2 name mak ko kn cool ) hehe~
    telamat yaumul teacher...
    mintak maap lambt wish...

    n to naqib...
    kamoO mmg tomey r...
    go naqib...
    gempak kn suasane kt umah tuh...

  2. besh2 kn g gnting..plg besh part pelok 3org basah2...heee

  3. hahaha.bunoh diri sblm dirosakkan..hehe.

    eh,btw,mikail best x?arituh nak beli,tp xbeli2 lg..hehe.

  4. sarah- hehe... naqib mmg gitu... hee~ akk die baek, xto nape adeknye nakal... ehemmm~

    Nad- haah, besh ah, cume mase je pndek huhu...

    K.Fanadz- Mikhail besh akak! siyes... saye bce bku 2, rase cm btol2 ade kt tpt 2... N bese la ramli awg mursyid kn, ctenye mmg saspen!

  5. ek? akak adik beradik suke cite die..dah ade trilogy bagaikan puteri ngn hatiku di harajuku je baru..hehe.leh beli la mikhail..lg 1,yg akak tgk mcm best- ungu karmila.da bace?

  6. ungu karmila xbce la p lg, tp cm mnarek je...
    akak, kite da lme rest dr bce novel neh...
    skang bru nk stat lek

  7. x aci..nadia dpt g genting..huhu..

    happy teacher's day! :P

