Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life Will Never Be the Same

Take a look at the calendar. And focus on THIS WEEK. This week is kinda buzy. Started from Monday, I've register the class, n Tuesday I went out to pay the tution fees for the becoming sem - 3rd sem.

Again, zoom at the red-circled day, that is Thursday n Friday. Last Thursday, I done some outing wif my dearest fren, Am n Una. Huwaa, really miss them actually. How I wish Sarah was here wif us. I really had a great time then. Watching that action + blood-pumping + humorous Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen, especially wif my fav. friends is really exiting. N now I'm in the "transformers madness" mode. Just take a look at my blog here. Really transformers rite?? hehehe. We chatted lot of stuff while having our lunch. Am n me have grilled chicken n Una have spagheti bolognise. Here's some pic.

Us, before we watch transformers.

At the food court. Una and Am.

My food

Una's spegheti. Actually she has ate it a bit,

then she put it back in position just to take a picture.

Am's food. The idea of writing the names is from her.

A day after that, we [the whole family exept Mayah] started our so-called 'journey' to Penang to send my bro, Nazrin to UiTM Permatang Pauh to further his study in Diploma of Mechanical Engineering. We spend a night at Bukit Merah, Perak. The original plan is, after sending my bro there, we'll go back to Bukit Merah, and play at Bukit Merah Laketown Waterpark n spend another night there. Unfortunately, the plan is cancelled, n we went home straight after sending Nazrin.

I know I'm going to miss Nazrin, just like I know I'm going to miss Mayah when we send her at SESERI (Oh God, I really hope they wont read this ever).N yes, I'm missing him now. More than I know I will. I used to bother him upstairs, n call his name 'gedikly', n sometimes pick a fight wif him. When I want to eat somewhere, I'll ask him to follow me. N he'll barely refuse. Sometime I'll ask him to drive me to the Komuter station when I want to go somewhere a bit far like Mid Valley wif those girls. N now, I don't have anyone to do that wif. Sometimes when I climb the stairs, I almost called him, but then I realize that he's not there to answer me.

Ohh I really hate melancholic part, but sometimes it happens rite?

Okey, another story bout next sem. I'll enter the 2nd year of my studies, which means I'll really learn degree level things. I know, next sem my class is packed, wif projects, not as honeymoon as the 1st n 2nd sem. I really hope that I can cope with the atmosphere. Please pray for our successness.. Some of us (Circuit 1 repeaters) actually having some probs with the schedule, which means that there r some classes overlapped n we don't have other class choices. Seriously, I really HATE the table maker or TROUBLE maker. Didn't he or she think that this little things would create big problems to us? Go get a brain la. Thank God I didn't know her/him. Or else.... (pikir la sndri)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Celeb to Binbo Taro

I dunno why, I become soo lazy within this days. Like I've nothing else to do except SEARCHING FOR THINGS TO DO. Huwaa seriously, I feel really bored. Actually, I just finished watching Japan series "Celeb to Binbo Taro". Okay as usual, the series like this is mainly bout love. So do this. This story is more amazing I think. It is not that boring-crappy-tears-love thingy, but more to romantic comedy.

The storyline is also good, about a single father of 3 adorable kids named SATO TARO. They lived a really poor life, like "kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang". But still, Sato is really a good father, who works really hard for his beloved kids, but still have time for his angels. They lives in a neighbourhood that also not really rich, but they're close to one another. I wish I had it here huhu.

Sato's angels

In the other side of the world, live a really lucky girl named ALICE. Her father is like, millionaire, and she owns her own fashion designer company, named 'Love Alice'. Every girls in Japan wants to be like her. She is just dreamy, pretty, gentle, has her own company, her house is in a place like hotel, have her own P.A and butler and driver. But, her live is really empty. Has no real friend, no siblings, just she and her 'maru-chan', a lion she owns.

They live in definitely different worlds. But fate bring them together. Sato applied to be Alice's driver since the paying is more than worth it. He didn't expect to get the job, but he get it. Actually the've met before that but Sato can hardly remember it until he land his eyes to Alice's face the first morning of his new job. Many things happened until Alice request Sato to become her 'fake boyfriend'. The story begin to get hot when Alice's previous boyfriend come back home from New York, and create a really2 messy chaos. In the miserable situation, Sato helped Alice a lot, and he fell in love with her before he knows it. Alice in the other hand, feels the same.

the ending? see it for yourself... Sory I can't put it nicely in words. But really, the story is interesting.

no. they're not married actually this time... just some silly scene...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Day I Become Younger V2

Again, aku suke title 2. Hari ni, agk banyak lah jugak berjalan. Xsedar diri 2 demam haha. Pagi2 bangun, mak ajk bekpes kat luar. Tapi mrepek2 tengok jam dah pukul 11. Haha last2 mak decide kami makan brunch je la. Siap2, lepas 2 kuar la.

Mule2 prgi klinik. Klinik Soraya. Jumpa Doc. Sabrina. I like this doc sbb beliau cun, n sgtla peramah. Memule mak yg jupe doc sbb mak pon demam. Juge cek paras glukosa dalam darah beliau skali. Bile doc nga sembang2 ngan mak [sape yg knal mak, beliau mmg peramah juge uhuk3] tetibe cane tah t'kluar la topik umur ;

Doc : Ermm brape eh umur u?
Me : Cube teke brape umur I?? [with the big grin hee~]
Doc : 13?
Me : Ahaha I'm 20 already laa~ [again, wif the bigger grin]
Doc : Oh really? Maybe sbb die ni berisi, so nmpak macam mude. Babyface.

Hee~ again, aku mmg suke tjok cte ni.

Rupe2nye, org berisi ni mmg nmpk mude ye?
Tapi betol jugak. Besenye org berisi ni, kiut.
T'masuklah aku ok.
Hah korg jgn nk jelez pulak.
Ni fakta!!! Sape yang kate gitu??? Mestilah aku! haha...
Ye, aku taw korg msti da kuar macam2 bunyik skarang.
Wek la, bluekk la, perasan sungguh la, hape la, paling kurang pon, snyum sbb ade sorg manusia prasan dicni.
Tapi sape yg prasan 2? Dah aku mmg kiut, nk buat cane kn?? ahahaha...
Ah sudah.. aku xmo la plak prasan lbeh2 t korg meluat pulak bace post ni.

Tapi sebenarnye tu jelah yang aku nak cite kat cni.

Hah meh la aku tmbah ag 1 cte. now aku nga main game 'Plants vs. Zombie'. For me, game ni best la jugak since this the 3rd strategy game yg aku men. Sebelum ni, aku men time management game mcm diner dash la, pet shop hop la, alaa sume2 yg ade kne mgene ngan si FLO 2 la hehe. Okeh, game 'plants vs zombie' ni, game die cani ; korg kene fikirkn la cara nk protect rumah korg gune tumbuh2ah drpd dimasuki Zombie2 ni. Kalo x, nnti Zombie2 ni makan korg punye otak. Hah, mnarik x 2?

Tapi kn, strategy game yg mule2 aku men mmg best la aku kate. Game 'Garden Defense'. game ni, korg kene fikirkan cara nk elakkan serangga + lipan +gonggok drpn masok korg punye taman bunge. Ade byk la pilihan gadget yg korg boleh gune, n tiap2 kali serangga2 ni dibunuh, korg akn dapat duit yang boleh digunakan utk upgrade gadget2 korang. Nk cte pjg lebar nnti bukan korg paham pon, so ape kate korg try je dlu game ni, baru la taw kn.

Hah ape? xtaw nk donlod ktne? hah tkan link2 ni;

Tapi game yg korg donlod ni ade time trial die. Kalo nk unwrap time trial die, nnt mntak kat aku ehh. Kat website ni mmg byk game2 yg mnarik yang korg leh donlod. Tinggal search je.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Global Warming [bosan gile tajuk]

Dah lame rasenye xupdate blog ni [haha padahal baru beberapa hari hak3]. Sebenar2nya, aku pulang ke kampung hari isnin lepas. Dah lame dah xbalek kampung ni. Raye tahun lepas pun xbalek jugak, maklumla sume orang 'SEBOK' kn, n + pulak cuti xberapa nak panjang. Sekarang raye ke xraye ke, same je. Seolah2 raye 2 hanya 1 cuti yang same dengan cuti2 lain.

Okeh aku xmo la mrepek lelame pasal raye ni sebenarnye. Balik kampung kali ni pon, xberapa meriah. Firstly, sebab xsume orang balik. My bro, Nazrin xikot sebab die kate nk rase duduk rumah sesorang + die malas nak balik kampung sebab boring + kete mak aku 2 pon boleh muat 7 org je. Wlaupun boleh sebenarnye muat 8 org, tp xkn la kejam sgt kot nk bagi sorang duduk atas kayu padahal yg lain sedap2 duduk ats kusyen kn, so die xikot la kn kesimpulannye.

Balik kampung pon, xbape nak enjoy sangat. Skarang ni kn musim panas. kat kampung 2, masyaallah, panas gile mase siang. Ramailah pulak manusia2 yang demam. T'masuklah aku. Dah lama xdemam. Bile dah demam ni, bukan stakat demam je. Batuk aku yg da b'tahun2 xbaik ni, jadi makin advance pulak. Tekak punye sakit, tiap kali nk buang 'phlegm' 2 rase cm kene toreh2. Pening pulak jangan cite la, rase macam orang parkinson je asek m'geletar sbb sakit+[panas/sejuk]+penin kpale. Jadi, balik kampung ni, aku dok umah je la, xikot pon famili aku b'jalan.

Beralih kepada resultku pulak. result aku xde lah gempak mane, tp xseteruk mane jugak. Just cukup2 makan la orang kata. Tapi, aku stil hepi sebab makin meningkat. Ye la, bayangkan la korang, drpd 2.37 cm2, sem ni dpt 3. Alhamdulillah. Aku nk cube dptkn yg lg baik sem dpan. Itu bukan masalahnye skang ni.

Masalahnye skang, ade mmbe aku neh, cian die, die cite...
"adela sorang makhluk ni kn, bile tengok result aku, die kate "teruknye!" dengan nada yg sgt xmenyenanykan. Aku taw la die 2 engineer letrik, tapi xsemestinye anaknye akn pandai jugak kan? Lagipon result aku meningkat, bukan menurun. Sem 1 dulu die taw ke reslt aku? Ntah2 aku exam pon die xtaw. Yang die taw, pegi keje, cari duit, ujung minggu main golf, luangkan masa ngan anak2 cket je, n then expect anak2 dapat straight A's."

Haha bagos kn ade orang cm2 kat dunie ni? Aku pelik jugak kenapa ade orang mcm 2 wujud dalam dunie neh. Besenye MAK BAPAK ni suke bile anak die bahagie, tapi yg ni lain pulak kesnye. X taw ape2 pasal anak, tiba2 bile result kuar, baru nk t'kjut beruk, baru nak risau la hape la padahal bende dah lepas. Yang kesian, anak 2 sendiri la kn. Die dah buat yang terbaik, tp x diapprechiate pulak oleh orang yang SEPATUTNYE bagi support kat die. Aku bukan nak salahkan semua mak bapak sebenarnye, tp ade setengahnye bizi sangat sampai anak sendiri pon dah xkenal. Bile da jd benda2 yang xdiingini, mulelah nak salahkan anak2 la, xpon salahkan cikgu/lecturers la, xpon salahkan suami/isteri masing2. Padahal SALAH DIRI SENDIRI xsedar.

Itulah masalahnye yang paling besar. Bile manusia rasa yang die 2 perfek sgt, baik sgt.
Sebenarnye, orang yang baik ni, die xpena rase yang die 2 baik.
Orang yang pandai ni, die rase yang die ni bodoh sgt.
Org yang pemurah ni, die rase diri die ni kedekut sangat.
dan sebagainya...

hurmm... okla 2 kot.. banyak lagi nak cakap ni, tp nnti2 la.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Otak Tak Center v2

I'm just some kind of stupid cinderella in her own dreams
yet, the fragile dreams has been broken
into pieces
leaving some pieces of puzzle that can be solved wif nothing
nothing can solve it

the cloud didn't drop the water droplets
cause there's no more vapour in,
day that seems bright
lies wif the wonderful sunlight beam.

ahah apelah yang dimerepekkan ini...
sudah lama tidak merepek sebegini...

kepada yang berkenaan, [die bace ke?]...
anda sudah berjaya menjalankan misi anda...
tahniah diucapkan!

kepada mangsa keadaan [again, die bace ke?]
saya percayakan anda...
benar, anda tidak bersalah dalam hal ini..
kini saya telah rasai keperitan yang anda pernah rasa diketika dahulu...
iya, rasanya perit sekali...

akan tetapi, saya tidak sekali2 menyalahkan anda jika itu berlaku...
saya tiada hak walau sebesar zarah keatasnya...

atau mungkin, hanya saya yang terlalu banyak berfikir?
entahlah, saya pun tidak memahami apa yang sebenarnya telah terjadi...
tetapi, walau apapun, anda tetap kawan saya yang baik...
take theese words, and bring it with u...
in case i forgot it, please remind me okay...

anda yang atas itupon, anda tetap kawan saya yang baik...
thank you... :