Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life Will Never Be the Same

Take a look at the calendar. And focus on THIS WEEK. This week is kinda buzy. Started from Monday, I've register the class, n Tuesday I went out to pay the tution fees for the becoming sem - 3rd sem.

Again, zoom at the red-circled day, that is Thursday n Friday. Last Thursday, I done some outing wif my dearest fren, Am n Una. Huwaa, really miss them actually. How I wish Sarah was here wif us. I really had a great time then. Watching that action + blood-pumping + humorous Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen, especially wif my fav. friends is really exiting. N now I'm in the "transformers madness" mode. Just take a look at my blog here. Really transformers rite?? hehehe. We chatted lot of stuff while having our lunch. Am n me have grilled chicken n Una have spagheti bolognise. Here's some pic.

Us, before we watch transformers.

At the food court. Una and Am.

My food

Una's spegheti. Actually she has ate it a bit,

then she put it back in position just to take a picture.

Am's food. The idea of writing the names is from her.

A day after that, we [the whole family exept Mayah] started our so-called 'journey' to Penang to send my bro, Nazrin to UiTM Permatang Pauh to further his study in Diploma of Mechanical Engineering. We spend a night at Bukit Merah, Perak. The original plan is, after sending my bro there, we'll go back to Bukit Merah, and play at Bukit Merah Laketown Waterpark n spend another night there. Unfortunately, the plan is cancelled, n we went home straight after sending Nazrin.

I know I'm going to miss Nazrin, just like I know I'm going to miss Mayah when we send her at SESERI (Oh God, I really hope they wont read this ever).N yes, I'm missing him now. More than I know I will. I used to bother him upstairs, n call his name 'gedikly', n sometimes pick a fight wif him. When I want to eat somewhere, I'll ask him to follow me. N he'll barely refuse. Sometime I'll ask him to drive me to the Komuter station when I want to go somewhere a bit far like Mid Valley wif those girls. N now, I don't have anyone to do that wif. Sometimes when I climb the stairs, I almost called him, but then I realize that he's not there to answer me.

Ohh I really hate melancholic part, but sometimes it happens rite?

Okey, another story bout next sem. I'll enter the 2nd year of my studies, which means I'll really learn degree level things. I know, next sem my class is packed, wif projects, not as honeymoon as the 1st n 2nd sem. I really hope that I can cope with the atmosphere. Please pray for our successness.. Some of us (Circuit 1 repeaters) actually having some probs with the schedule, which means that there r some classes overlapped n we don't have other class choices. Seriously, I really HATE the table maker or TROUBLE maker. Didn't he or she think that this little things would create big problems to us? Go get a brain la. Thank God I didn't know her/him. Or else.... (pikir la sndri)


  1. hahahaha....mmg tranformer freak la kamu da btukar...n realy2 jelez kamu da g tgk transformers! cet!...ah..u r such a luvly kakak! huu i bet dyorg msti terharu ble bce bnde nieh..(even my sis dy x pna admit she miss me when im nt around bt i knw she do!) hak2....n d pmbuat jadual tuh mmg la...huuuu tgk2 dean kte yg bwat..haaaa isk2

  2. hehehe... taw xpe... tp aku rse bkn kot... hehe lawo x aku nye page??? bwat sndri oo... jgn jlez.. hee~

  3. "transformers madness" mode.--> me too..hehe.smpi beli key chain transformers dlm flight mase otw blk dr umah. ;P

  4. hehehe... 2 la kn.. da lme da xde madness2 ni... tetibe dpt lak transformers madness... hehehe

  5. One of the reasons mak cancelled our so call outing to Lake Town because I didn't feel like enjoying myself after sending 'abang'. Mak saw mcm Along x kisah aje when we left 'abang'.
    I feel what you feel too.

  6. hehe i alwayz have the 'xkesah look' kn?? xnk la tnjuk sdey nnt abg pon sdey gk hak3

  7. weh 2 am latip ke? una?
    rndu mereka. dan ko pn colgate. heee

  8. haah, am latep ngan una.. hehehe...

