Thursday, August 6, 2009

Uncool Post

I act foolishly yesterday. It was my 'weirdo' day. My black n white day. My busiest day of the week.

First of all, I spray some perfume on my shirt. Okay, usually I just wear perfume with my baju kurung only. ONLY!.

Secondly, I show up early at the lab. People who knows me, they know I usually show up late at my 1st classes. Okay, the 'early' thing is a good thing I guess.

Third, I spoke more than I normally do with my groupmate. The digital groupmate, of course. But this is also the good thing I think.

Fourth, the main point is here. For the first time after a zillion years [okay I'm being hyperbolic], I worry bout what others might think of me. Supposely I go to my co-curiculum activity yesterday. But before I enter the 'field', I saw many person that I know there. My own batch. N then I started to think they'll ask many question bout why I'm not attending the co-cu class before. I have the concrete answer for that actually, but for some stupid reason I turn back n walk to my car, n start calling my fren to ask her opinion!! Boo-hoo!!

Look at that childish attitude!!
I usually act childish sometimes [okay i know that], but now, I think childishly...

N I really hate that.


  1. hahahahhaha...childish sgt la kn..balik2 g bilik nadia pas2 tdo..pas2 lmbt g klas....hahaha,,gud2...

  2. shuhhh... jgn cte part 2.. malu saye hik3...

