Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Love

I just done watching the movie "valentine's day" with Nad last week. Sorry, I'm not the type that celebrate Valentine's day but I've promised to Nad to watch it together since the first we saw the trailer when we watch "Jennifer's Body". At that time, I don't know the movie's title and the trailer's seems appealing, so we decided to watch it when the movie is out. I like watching new movies, even though sometimes the movie is not really interesting, but at least I learn something new.

After watching Valentine's Day, we wander around and saw an old couple sitting at the bowling side, waiting for their grandchildren to finish playing. I can't help myself from thinking of things that I usually avoid of thinking. Things like:

Will I ever grow old with the one I love?
Will I ever met a man that will love me till the end of his life?
Will the man of my life hold my hand while walking, even after we have 5 child together? [like my dad did]
Will the man kiss my forehead before he goes to work everyday, even if our children is there? [again, like my dad did]
Will he wake up in the morning and look at me with eyes full of love, even after many years we've been together?
Will he smile at me and cheer me up when I'm down?
Will he hug me when I'm scared?
Will he prepare 'breakfast in bed' for me when I'm sick?
Will he sing my favorite song to me?
Will he appear with a bouquet of flowers in front of me on special dates, like birthday and anniversary?
Will he propose to me on his knees?
last but not least, Will I ever met the guy?

...and lots of things like that. It might look like little things, but any woman that have this man as her soul mate, are ultimately lucky. At least I think that way. Deep down, I can only pray for the best, since I'm not perfect too.

Hey, stop thinking that I'm 'gatal' or desperate or things like that. I'm 20 already, I have the right to think bout my love life and my future. My mom have already married at this age. So what??

Okkay back to the topic. One of my favorite quote from the movie

Alex : How come u can be happy with your wife, with your marriage?
Kelvin : Easy, I'm married to my best friend.
Alex : I thought I'm your best friend.
Kelvin : You're my guy, she's my girl.

