Saturday, May 29, 2010

Intersession bread

Been a while since I spoke to you in English [or should I say, wrote?]. It is holiday now, but I attend the intersession [short semester] and nearly regret about it, but its okay. At least I get the experience of "studying while holiday-ing" [yeahh ritee!].

Overall intersession has been a bot boring since we have to study the same subject a couple of hours daily excluding the weekends. And I am ONE of the ONLY THREE GIRLS in the class, makes me like wow, I'm a shy girl [naah!!]. Oh before I forget, I'm taking the subject "Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanism" for this intersession. Subject is okay, so do the lecturer. And guess what, the lecturer has the same name as mine, peace!! (^_^)v . And the other exiting thing is, I am in the same class with one of my best friend.

Okay I don't want to give the spotlight to that intersession thingy, I am more interested in saying what I'm about to say now. I'm currently learning how to cook! [accurately, bake]. I don't know how to bake bread, and don't even have a clue how to make the dough. I browsed through a few videos in youtube, and come into some conclusions:


  • The ultimate basic ingredients in making a bread dough is: flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar.
  • Typically we must add some warm water + sugar + salt to the yeast and sit it for a while.
  • Then the yeast mixture must be added into other bowl with approximately 2 cups of flour.
  • Add more flour into the bowl until there is NO dough that stick to the bowl's wall.
  • Coat it with any oil that you like [olive oil, vegie oil]
  • Let it 'rest' for about an hour approximately and increase it volume[ok, size] twice from the original.
  • After about an hour, PUNCH in the middle to release the unneeded air in the dough [i like this step the most!]
  • Knead the dough and make sure it has enough amount of 'massage' needed.
  • After that, put it into the size or shape that you like, and bake/cook it as you desire.
Easy, right? Ok i know i know well done is better than well said but the problem is, we have plenty of breads here, so I think I'll wait till the breads at home have finished, then I'll make the bread. Get ready guys for my update! I'll upload some pictures [insyaallah] when its all done.


  1. woit! buat roti tunggu aku!!!
    nak gak rasa... teheee~ ;)

  2. hahaha mari lah cni, cti skola t ;)

    tp kali ni, aku xmo bg ORG LEN uli, aku nak uli sndri..

  3. tetibe aq macam perasan well done is better then well said tu an??hak3!!tengs weyh x mst aq jmpe blog ko..n owready follow! mmg xltk kt page..sbb dye da msk dlm list y aq follow..nnt dye tbe2 aq rse cam nk ltk..hehe..

  4. wa...cpt2 la bwat roti tuh, nk rse gk..n tomyam + susu!

