Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In a better place =)

Assalamualaikum. Aku baru je selesai mengemas dan membasuh sangkar hamsterku yang dah arwah itu. Let me show you one of the last pictures I took of him.

Ted Mostby the hamster

I lost Ted a few days ago. I realize he's dead after I have a very long and bad day. I really don't want to talk about that bad day. But imagine when you come home miserable with your eyes hurt because of tears that keeps falling, to play with you loved pet, and you found that he's dead. It really multiplies my misery at the moment and I cry for the gazillion time that day. I just sat there like,
"Ted, don't go", with tears.
I texted few friends telling them that my pet is dead and they're like,
"Nadia you're strong", and
"He's in a better place now", makes me feel better but I keep weeping hardly.

I try to calm myself down and take a shower, lie down and try to sleep. I've had enough of pain that day.


Okay dah dah lah tu sedih-sedih kan hehe. Aku kemas barang-barang Ted daripada ni:

kepada ni:

Pada hari kejadian tu, keesokannya aku mintak tolong adik aku Nazrin yang hensem lagi baik [ahaks] galikan lubang untuk tanam Ted. Tempat penanaman terpaksa dirahsiakan atas sebab-sebab keselamatan kami ehe. Masa basuh sangkar tu, rasa sayu jugak lah. Tapi nak buat camne, we have to move on kan. Terfikir jugak nak beli hamster yang baru. Tapi, entah lah. Maybe ade yang nak belanja? hehe

Coffin Ted. Tak secantik Taro punya sebab kesuntukan masa huhu.

Kubur Ted. T_T


  1. once got a cat named Ted..eh tak.twice. suka sgt nama Ted tah nape. hehe. yg 1st mati, yg 2nd kene culik.huhu.

  2. culik? alaa sedihnyee huhu

  3. Hari tu I wanna buy. Ko xnakkkkkk. Nnt aku beli eh. Belated birthday present ;)


Thank you and have a nice day :)