Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I think I'm in love

With all these! With Breaking Dawn's soothy and beautiful melody. With the fact that they're still together after all of these years.

"Cause there'll be no sun light if I lose you baby,
cause there'll be no clear sky if I lose you baby,
and just like the clouds my eyes would do the same,
if you walk away, everyday it will rainnn... rainnn.... rainn...."

from Edward to Bella
"I have died everyday waiting for you,
darling don't be afraid I have love you for a thooouuuusand years,
I've love you for a thooouuusand years."

The dazzling Garden/Woods wedding with tons of white flowers
The love that never dies
The fact that Edward will do anything, and I really mean anything to make sure Bella is safe.
I need that. I need a guy who is afraid of losing me. The one who will do anything to make me stay. The one who will literally cry if I walk away. The one who will treat me differently from other girls. Like Edward with Bella. Like Ross with Rachel [in F.R.I.E.N.D.S]

Ross stops Rachel from leaving to Paris

1 comment:

  1. i.allah akn ade suatu hari nnti. =) btw ske gilak breaking dawn part 1.nk jgak sum1 mcm edward.wuu -nadirah comel-

