Saturday, May 25, 2013

The [Scavenger] Hunt

Well since the Convocation ceremony last Sunday, 19 May 2013 [oh yes, I'm graduated (^_^) ] its been a hell of a hunt. I found myself constantly in the middle of any Career Fair possible, dropping resumes and my photocopied certificate. Also, getting ready for walk in interviews.

Before I explain further, let me interest you with some collage of my Graduation Day:

See there? My friends are amazing, they come and not empty handed. Even their presence makes me feel appreciated. In addition, my mother seems really proud of me, alhamdulillah I feel happy.

Okay, back to the job hunt. Its a jungle out there, we must know how to search for target and the most important thing, to not be choosy. So I've been on about 6 first interviews, one second interview and four career fairs. I found myself liking this hunting thingy because takes me around the Klang Valley. It is a big world out there, there's a lot more people to meet, a lot more types of people to observe.

I'm running out of words to write since my stomach is grumbling, so until next time.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The perfect moment

It all starts when I call Nadirah on my 24th birthday, she told me that she want to have a date with me the week after election, so I agree because yeah lets face it, I'm unemployed and I miss that gal. Day after day passed, the week after election have come and she contacted me asking if I'm busy that weekend so I say no. But she's not feeling really well so I tell her to just stay home and rest because I don't want her to be sick and tired at the same time. But she insisted.

There comes the Saturday, we agreed to go out after zuhur prayer. Since she's not feeling really well, we decided to just find any Coffee Bean and have a long overdue chatting. We ordered two frappes, double chocolate for her and mocha chino for me as well as a muffin and chicken pie. The muffin and pie are out of this world, I wish I can make it that yummy. We sit there, have a chat about whats going on our life, of course a couple of juicy gossip about our beloved friends and so on.

After about two hours sitting there, Nad told me that she's in the mood for karaoke, and I, as most of you already know- a karaoke junkie agreed without a doubt. We googled the rate for that hour and shoot to destination and there we go, singing like two little kids just get their new toy; with joy energetically. I have so much fun!

But the fun didn't end there. Nad told me she's meeting Yana that night so I asked if I can tag along because its been a while since I meet that gal. I try to reach her on the day before but she didn't answer. We promise that we'll meet Yana at the destination. So after performing Maghrib prayer, we drove back to Shah Alam to Dataran Kemerdekaan but there's a little too many people there, so Nad decided to move to the field next to it. Then I saw a guy with figure like our friend Aiman and I told Nad
"There they are!"
Its kinda unexpected to see them there; Ba, Aiman, Azri, Sopi, Adib, Bukh. They seem like preparing for a feast with all the foods and drink and I said to myself
"Wow this is rezeki"
I approached Yana and asked her why don't she answer the phone, she told me that she's not aware of her phone at the moment and apologized.

Suddenly they sang "Happy Birthday" and I'm like "Who's bitrthday is it? Oh what a terrible friends I am I don't even know my friend's birthday and don't even bring any present".
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to Nadiaa~
Happy birthday to you~
Little that I know, it is a surprise birthday party for me. Ahh that mischievous Nad, perfectly planning for all this. I feel a warm sensation in my chest and I feel like crying. This is all very touching and sweet. Like a perfect brownies a'la mode [with ice cream].

Then Yana come closer to me and whisper
"Nadia, look behind"
and there it is, the cherry top of this sweet evening, walking towards me, my snowman.

I try to dial down the feeling to cry so the moment won't be so emotional. I really feel appreciated. I have this wonderful friends around me. I might be the luckiest gal to have you guys as my friends, especially my gal Nad.

I don't need other thing. This is the perfect moment. Right here. I am here, surrounded by my wonderful friends and love.

After that Yana approached me again and told me
"Actually I'm not answering your call because I'm afraid this surprise party will slip from my mouth accidentally"
I don't care. This is amazing.
The cake

I don't need thousands of balloons, a cake from Secret Recipe,
a table full of food, a room full of confetti.

I have all I need; awesome friends. 

Saat yang kekok apabila. . .

Kali ini biar aku bercerita. Bercerita cara kronologi.

Tarikh: 9 Mei 2013 [Khamis]

Tempat: Pejabat Bendahari UiTM Shah Alam

Waktu: 4.45 petang

Aku berjalan dari Dewan Seri Budiman ke pejabat bendahari untuk membayar "mini transkrip". Ada banyak pintu yang bertanda pejabat bendahari, aku jadi keliru. Lalu aku turun tangga dan pergi ke tingkat bawah lalu masuk ke bilik itu.

"Assalamualaikum" kataku

"Waalaikumsalam. Ye dik, nak apa?" tanya akak kerani disana.

"Nak bayar untuk mini transkrip. Bayar kat sini ke kak?"

"Ohh, mini transkrip bayar kat tingkat atas lah dik. Rasanya dah tutup ni". usulnya

"Ohh kat atas ke? OK terima kasih".

Lalu aku pun naik keatas dan seperti yang akak itu katakan, pejabat tersebut sudah ditutup.


Tarikh: 10 Mei 2013 [Jumaat]

Tempat: Pejabat Bendahari UiTM Shah Alam

Waktu: 11.00 pagi

Aku memasuki ke dalam pejabat dengan muka terpinga-pinga. Seorang akak menyapaku.

"Ye?" sambil memandangku.

"Nak bayar untuk mini transkrip. Kat sini kan?"

"Haah kat sini. Kejap ye dik"


"Mintak student id?" pinta akak itu. Lalu aku memberikan student id aku dan dia cetak resit hasil pembayaranku. Setelah resit dicetak barulah bolehku mengutip mini transkrip di fakulti.


Tarikh: 10 Mei 2013 [Jumaat]

Tempat: Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik UiTM Shah Alam

Waktu: 3.00 petang

Aku berjalan ke pejabat fakulti untuk mengutip mini transkrip tetapi nasib tidak menyebelahiku kerana pejabat ditutup atas urusan mesyuarat bersama orang atasan.


Tarikh: 14 Mei 2013 [Selasa]

Tempat: Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik UiTM Shah Alam

Waktu: 2.40 petang

Sekali lagi, aku menapak ke pejabat untuk mengutip mini transkrip ku. Kulihat ada list yang perlu diisi lalu aku pun mengisinya. Disebabkan tiada sesiapa di kaunter untukku berikan resit pembayaran mini, aku membunyikan loceng dan seorang akak datang kepadaku.

"Ye dik?"

"Pasal mini transkrip ni"

"Ohh isi nama kat sini nanti kita letak kat tray dalam 3 hari nanti ambik eh" kata akak tu.

"Ha akak, yang resit bayar mini transkrip tu nak bagi kat siapa?" tanyaku

"Resit? Eh tak payah la dik, sekarang dah takyah bayar, nape bayar?" ujar akak itu.

"Laa tak tau pon"


Nota kaki:
  • Perasan tak cerita ni ada 4 sesi? Kalau aku tahu yang tak perlu bayar untuk mini transkrip, cerita ni jadi 1 sesi aje.
  • Kan tak payah bayar untuk mini transkrip tu, mana pergi duit yang aku bayar kat pejabat bendahari tu? Bukan kedekut tapi, faham tak, rasa ditipu?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birthday post

Assalamualaikum. Maafkanlah aku kerana dah lama benar tak post sesuatu kat sini. Untuk yang sedar, aku deactivate facebook aku sebab nak elakkan rasa menyampah dan sakit hati dengan virus fitnah yang melanda pada musim pilihanraya ini.

Untuk yang tahu dan ingat, aku baru je menyambut hari lahir menurut kalendar masihi, iaitu pada 28 April yang lepas. Berbanyak terima kasih aku nak ucapkan kepada yang ingat, walaupun ada beberapa orang kesayangan aku yang tak ingat, takpa lah, nak buat macam mana kan.

Sebenarnya aku kurang suka dengan hari jadi ni sebab mengingatkan kepada usia yang dah meningkat sedangkan aku tak rasa aku dah mencapai apa-apa yang boleh dibanggakan.

Orang pertama yang mengucapkan selamat pada hari lahir aku adalah Kak Emy atau Irmalina tapi dia wish becoming lah sebab dah ngantuk sangat. Tepat jam 12.00 malam/pagi, Mayah dan Kak Ngah memberi ucap selamat, diikuti message Whatsapp daripada Nadirah Amir yang busuk itu. Kemudian Encik Orang Salji dan Hairee.

Esok paginya, selepas makan tengah hari sebelum bangun dari kerusi, aku sedar Naqib tidak berganjak tetapi memandang bawah lalu akupun jenguk la apa yang dimenungkan itu. Rupanya dia tak tahu bagaimana nak memberi hadiahnya kepada aku. Comel benar Naqib ini.

Semalam masa baru bangun daripada tidur mak membawa satu bungkusan besar berbalut kedalam bilikku dan menyuruh aku membukanya. Terjerit kami 3 beranak sebab dah lama aku cari waffle iron, sebenarnya dah tak ingat pun yang aku cari, tapj mak ingat dan membelikannya sebagai hadiah aku.

Setelah beberapa hari selepas ulangtahun hari lahir aku, aku mendapat kad yang dibuat sendiri oleh sahabat baikku Sarah daripada Mesir, sangat lah terharu kan, menitik jugak lah 2 3 titik air mata sebab terharu. Wuuhuuu

Terima kasih semua! Aku sayang kalian!

Dan aku ingin meminta maaf sebagai manusia biasa yang penuh dengan kesalahan, aku mungkin ada menyakitkan hati kalian secara sengaja atau tidak, halalkan segala makan minum aku, kalau aku ada hutang tolong tuntut sebab aku ni pelupa sikit, aku tak mahu roh aku tergantung antara langit dan bumi bila ia meninggalkan jasad nanti.

From Mayah Mino busukun

From Alia

From Naqibun 

From myself. ahaks!

From the best mother in the world (^_^)

From Egypt. Sarah Adiba. Aku dapat kad dari Egypt, korang hado?