Sunday, January 10, 2010

I see you ; )

Aku pergi tengok Avatar semalam. Okay, aku taw agk lame n agk lmbat, tapi pedulik hape aku! Mula-mula sblum cite ni kluar, aku macam xselera nak tengok sebab macam xmenarik. Tapi ada beberapa orang dah bagi pandangan diorang, cakap cite ni best, aku pon decide nak tengok kat wayang.

Aku tengok sorang2. Betul, xtipu. Aku cuba nak rasa apa yang Yana cakap kat aku, 'feel' kalau tengok wayang sorang2 lain berbanding kalau tengok dengan mmber. Kebetulan pulak, aku memang rasa nk bersendirian kejap. 

For me, Avatar memang superb. Jalan cerita dia ringkas je sebenarnya, tapi pengolahan dia memang best. Tambah pulak, grafik die sangat cantik n unik. Sound pon cun gak. Sepanjang 2 jam 45 mnit pengembaraan aku ke Pandora tu, xde 1 minit pon yang aku rasa membazir, sume best2. James Cameron memang hebat la dalam menghasilkan karya2 masterpiece camni. Aku respek beb! Dulu cerita Titanic pon, aku terpikat jugak. Cara Jack cuba selamatkan Rose walaupon terpaksa mengorbankan diri sendiri. Dia cuba jugak lindungi Rose walaupon masa tu nyawa dia sendiri pon nyawa2 ikan je. Orang yang tengok, mesti faham ape yg aku rasa ni kan?

Watching Avatar make me think things that I usually ignore. Humans are too damn selfish. They just think about themselves, about their desire, about their life, despite of others. When some other things or human have the things they want, they'll consider them as enemies. They'll destroy and destroy until they get what they desire. They'll even kill. At the end of the day, wait, there's no end of the day for them. They'll never get satisfied. Then, when they realize how bad it is to do that, it's too late. All have already gone. So the end?? For sure the sad one.

But not all of them act this way. Some of them still have love in their heart. This 'some' is the one who will go against the bad guys, and surely save the day. Life isn't that simple. Think of it, which one are you, the bad guy, or the 'some' guy??

warning kepada yang berkenaan: I'll not let you hurt me again, EVER!!

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