Friday, January 29, 2010

The Day I Become Younger [again]

Okay, I know u might feel fed-up for this topic again. Let me straighten things here. I’m 20, 21-to-be this year, and a second year degree student. Just now, my friend n I went to our lecturer’s room to buy a book, and fill in our names for the receipt later. When we hand out the paper containing our names and class to the lecturer, she kinda freaks up to notice our classes.

Lecturer: Eh, kelas…. 4c???
Us : Haah puan, sama kelas dengan diorang [while pointing to the guys]
Lecturer: laa yeke?? saya ingat budak asasi tadi…
Us : [waddefish??]
Lecturer: Alaa xpela, kire awet mude lah tu nampak macam budak asasi [with a smile]
Us : Ohh… hehe terimakasih puan!! [While returning her smile]

So, the conclusion is,
Saya Awet Muda!!!

(^_^)V  ~peace no war~


  1. oit! jgn pasan ok..
    ak muda agy dri ko.. :P

    btw~ tokki ayie da meninggal hari nie..

