Monday, July 26, 2010

Miraculous Morning

It is normal when you wake up at 7.40, get ready for class and arrive to the faculty at 8.13.
But it is a miracle when usually at 8.13 you see the sea of cars at the parking lot, and suddenly there's one vacant space for you.

It is normal when tons of people waited for the lift to open for about 10 minutes,
but it is a miracle when the lift suddenly open at the moment you arrive there, and you manage to get in and go to your desired level.

It is normal when you see people buy book from the lecturer,
but it is a miracle when you are the last one to buy it since we use the book in the class that day, and there's other people want to buy the book as well.

It is normal when you waited for the lift [again] for about 5 minutes,
but it is a miracle when you knock the lift's door and suddenly it opens and void.

It is normal when you see cars double-park at UiTM parking lot,
but it is a miracle when there's no car in front of your car, so you can drive out easily.

Alhamdulillah, all of those happened to me today. I know I might be moping around lately with my melancholic posts, I am sorry for that. Thanks also to Wam especially for cheering me up, I am truly deeply touched. Really, no play play =p. Thanks Nadirah for always being there even though I am not that sane at the particular moment, but its nice to be insane together rite? ehehe.

half full or half empty?

Live life as you want, but when you see the glass as half full, you will see the beauty of your life. It is all about positive thinking and being optimistic. Of course life has it ups and down, you will be on top of the world one day and you might fall the other day, but one thing that matter is how you deal with the fall.

Crying is not a crime. It is a way to express your feeling.

Being with your friends will make you realize that life is not just about you. It is also about the person that you love. And love is subjective.

Think wide. Out of the box.

Smile. And be happy. Life is too short to be negative.

Move on. face it, we can't stay with one person or one job or one situation or whatever it is forever. Sometimes we have to sing auld lang syne and move on with new person/situation/things.

And be grateful for what Allah have give us. Without Allah, we are nothing.

p/s: Its a miracle for me to see my snowman wearing kemeja that makes him look smart... hehehe.... ==> gedik :p

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